Loving Lessons Learned- The Sleep Coaching Podcast

Ep. 31 Build your Circle: Support for Parents and Providers

Irene Gouge Season 2 Episode 31

In this episode, we explore how building a supportive community can transform your family's overall well-being. Chrissy Fishbane and Cindy Michelson from Her Health Collective  share powerful insights on the importance of cultivating meaningful relationships. One pivotal moment comes when a powerful question is asked, "If you had to go to the hospital, who would you call for help?" The answer highlights why having a trusted circle of friends is essential, not only for emotional support but also for reducing stress and anxiety. 

One of the most valuable takeaways from this conversation was the reminder to continue exploring yourself, even as a parent. Cindy shared, “It’s so easy to lose yourself in the care of others,” while Chrissy spoke about segmenting her life into "Working Crissi, Mom Crissi, and Crissi time," emphasizing the importance of staying grounded and nurturing every part of who we are.

Tune in to learn how fostering these connections and reaching out for the support you need can lead to more restful nights and a happier home.

Key Loving Lessons Learned in this episode: 

🟣 Think about your response to this powerful question: If you had to go to the hospital, who would you call for help, besides your family?   

🟣 Building authentic connections is vital for both emotional and physical health and will lead to better sleep.

🟣 Asking for help or finding a supportive community can greatly reduce the feeling of isolation.

Resources mentioned to help you keep learning & growing: 

Blog Post- Build your Circle: Support for Parents & Providers

⭐ Learn more about Crissy Fishbane & Cindi Michaelson with HER Health Collective 

⭐ Follow HER Health Collective  on Instagram

Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes


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😌 😎 😴 Keep Calm, Confident, & Rested!
Sweet dreams! 🛌
💜 Irene 💜