Loving Lessons Learned- The Sleep Coaching Podcast
I used to be a tired, overwhelmed, and anxious parent because my children were not sleeping. But, then I taught my children how to sleep and now I’m a calm, confident, and rested parent due to my training as a Gentle Sleep Coach, Educator, Postpartum Doula, Infant Feeding Specialist, and Parent Mentor.
What's important to know…In our most sleep deprived moments our children will teach us exactly what we need about love and life, in order to learn and grow into who we were created to be.
These are the loving lessons we will learn whether we want to or not. I’m Irene Gouge, your sleep coach and I’m on a mission to educate parents on how to help your child sleep!
In this podcast we will talk about all things sleep, feeding, and play related when it comes to parenting our newborns, infants, toddlers, and preschoolers!
Let's get SLEEP!
Using the SLEEP acronym means parent can learn to:
S- Show up as a calm, confident, and rested parent
L- Lead and guide your routines with trust and respect
E- Establish environments and communication that support the routines
E- Empower your child and Embrace the learning process
P- Play, have fun, and become the parent you want to be while everyone gets sleep!
Welcome to the parenting journey here at Loving Lessons Learned!
Loving Lessons Learned- The Sleep Coaching Podcast
Ep. 25 The Power of YES Spaces: Simplify Parentings, Improve Sleep
In this episode we explore the powerful impact of YES spaces on your child’s sleep and overall development. Discover how creating intentional wake windows filled with independent play can simplify parenting and help your child sleep better at night.
By fostering healthy play habits, you’ll not only improve your child’s ability to sleep peacefully in their crib or room but also build stronger connections with your little one. YES spaces provide the safe environment children need to explore, learn, and thrive—without constant adult intervention. Join us to learn practical tips for setting up these spaces and transforming your child’s wakeful hours into peaceful sleep.
Key Loving Lessons Learned in this episode:
🟣 Understanding how YES spaces promote independent play and better sleep.
🟣Why playtime during wake windows is critical for sleep success.
🟣The role of YES spaces in simplifying parenting and reducing stress.
🟣How YES spaces help children develop emotional regulation and self-discipline.
🟣Practical steps to create safe, enclosed YES spaces at home.
Resources mentioned to help you keep learning & growing:
⭐Blog Post-The Power of YES Spaces: Simplify Parenting and Improve Sleep
⭐ Sleep Coaching Success- Group Coaching Sleep Support Group
⭐RIE Parenting Principles: Resources for Infant Educators
👉Free Sleep Resources
😴 Sleep Success Group- Sleep Membership
❓❓❓Have sleep questions or concerns❓❓❓
📆Schedule a FREE 15 minute phone call with me! 📞
🖥 Loving Lessons Sleep Coaching & Postpartum Doula Solutions
😌 😎 😴 Keep Calm, Confident, & Rested!
Sweet dreams! 🛌
💜 Irene 💜